Voyage to Lana`i
Sherry Mizumoto's Page
Sherry Mizumoto's Page
Goal: $500
Goal: $500
$150.00 raised by 2 donors
$150.00 raised by 2 donors


Aloha all! My name is Sherry Mizumoto and I’d love your help by donating now to the fabulous Pacific Cancer Foundation's Paddle for Life. I am raising funds to aid in cancer treatments and resources for patients close to home. This paddling voyage I am partaking in will be from Maui to Lanai, a 36 mile round trip journey across the island channel. It is not a race for me but a one time, life experience to make an impact on the lives of others. Having worked in oncology I truly understand how receiving donations of any amount can make a big difference in a patient’s battle against cancer. Again, please donate any amount now by clicking the button below.  Your generosity could help a neighbor keep paddling for life! 

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2 donations have been made to this participant.

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