Voyage to Lana`i
Naomi Kissinger's Page
Naomi Kissinger's Page
Goal: $1500
Goal: $1500
$1,865.00 raised by 27 donors
$1,865.00 raised by 27 donors

Aloha! It is such an honor to be part of the Paddle for Life, I never thought I would ever have the opportunity to participate in something so amazing! Both my Grandma's had breast cancer, so I will give it my all for them. This feels as a way to feel more connected not only to them, but also to support everyone who has been affected by it as well! Mahalo for this opportunity! 

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Recent contributors

27 donations have been made to this participant.
jeannette watanabe
Nathan Kissinger
Geo watanabe
Jennifer Ikoma
Kaz and Viola Watanabe
Shirley Goodrich
Gus Cervantes
Bradley Davidson
Mel Cristobal
Lanny & Patti Norman
Drew Norman
Natalia Estudillo
virginia garcia
Lynette Reed
Ramona Aki
Peggy McLaughlin
Andrea Kessler
William Edwards
Joanne Lorenzo
Tania & Marco Paniagua
April Parker
Giovanny Paniagua
Todd Luther

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