Voyage to Lana`i
Kristi Dunning's Page
Kristi Dunning's Page
Goal: $5000
Goal: $5000
$1,625.00 raised by 10 donors
$1,625.00 raised by 10 donors

I have been blessed to have cancer survivors in my life; they have been such an inspiration to me. I have learned so much from Jamie, Moja, and Whitney; each journey unique as the individual, each demonstrating different strengths and  characteristics. I am also paddling to honor Adrienne and Angie; two friends who succumbed to cancer and yet were beautiful lights throughout their journey. I have signed up for Paddle for Life because I believe the unity concept of being in an outrigger canoe is symbolic for life's journey; together we all move forward! Together we can heal from cancer.

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Recent contributors

10 donations have been made to this participant.
Terry Duguay
Susan Bessette
Tracey Garcia
Ellen Lifsics
Whitney Kotez
Jim Anderson
Phillip & Marcina Watts

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