Voyage to Lana`i
Damien Castillo's Page
Damien Castillo's Page
Goal: $1700
Goal: $1700
$1,330.00 raised by 27 donors
$1,330.00 raised by 27 donors

Mahalo for supporting me and for donating to Pacific Cancer Foundation! Every dollar raised at Paddle for Life stays in Maui County but we’re excited to accept your donations from anywhere in the world!

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Recent contributors

27 donations have been made to this participant.
Corky Kessler
Alicia Lin Kee
Marilou Reyel
Mina Serapion
Dayton Castillo
Keani + Ryan Correa
Audrey Castillo
Grace Quidilla
Tessie Morimoto
Lambert Castillo
Ricardo Andaluz
Mark Kissinger
Shirley Goodrich
Eric Castillo
Jennifer Watanabe
Fabianna Lopez
Bradley Davidson
Lynette Reed
Gregory Smith
Melchor Cristobal
Virginia Garcia
William Bruce Edwards
Lorna Castillo

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