Voyage to Lana`i
Scott Olmos Page
Scott Olmos Page
Goal: $1500
Goal: $1500
$385.00 raised by 6 donors
$385.00 raised by 6 donors

Aloha family and friends,


Whose life hasn't been touched by cancer, whether it be yourself, spouse, child or friend. I know mine has with having gone through two bouts of colorectal cancer, surgeries and chemo.



I am excited to participate in this year's Paddle for Life to raise money for The Pacific Cancer Foundation.  Donations will provide the capital for the Pacific Cancer Foundation to carry out their mission to offer comprehensive treatment to those in Maui County, full access, 100% free, no one is turned away, from diagnosis to survivorship. Access to these services can be difficult and cost prohibitive for many. 


Cancer treatment extends beyond surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. It crosses over to nutrition support, emotional well-being, support groups for patients and their families, as well as transportation/lodging to ensure patients can get to/from their medical appointments.


Our team goal is to raise $15,000 and my individual goal is $1,500 of that.


Mahalo for your support!



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Recent contributors

6 donations have been made to this participant.
Carson Struthers
Jacquelyn Olmos

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