Voyage to Lana`i
Christine Lonie's Page
Christine Lonie's Page
Goal: $1500
Goal: $1500
$50.00 raised by 1 donor
$50.00 raised by 1 donor

This is my second time paddling in this Paddle for Life, the primary fundraiser for the Pacific Cancer Foundation.  


In 2019 I paddled in honor of "Tiki Rob" Hawes.  This year I will be paddling in his memory after he passed away earlier this year.  Tiki Rob was an awesome Tiki artist living on Maui, making both mugs and fabric designs.  (The revitalized Kodak Hula Show is using one of his prints!)  Rob was diagnosed in 2008 with Stage 4 Carcinoid cancer and continued treatments for many years, often traveling back to Oahu.    The Pacific Cancer Foundation helps provide guidance from diagnosis to survivorship, including financial assistance, transportation and lodging as outer island residents must travel back to Oahu for treatment and therapies.  

Please help support as your are able - This fund raiser will have 25 teams completing a 36 mile roundtrip journey from Maui across the 'Au'au channel to Lanai .. and then back the following day.  Over 450 paddlers, including many cancer survivors, will complete this journey to honor friends and family that have survived, have cancer, or have lost their lives to cancer.  

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1 donation has been made to this participant.

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