Voyage to Lana`i
Mike Gordon's Page
Mike Gordon's Page
Member of Cancer Crushers team
Member of Cancer Crushers team
Goal: $555
Goal: $555
$50.00 raised by 1 donor
$50.00 raised by 1 donor

Hey friends!

I wanted to share something close to my heart and invite you to join in if you can. I'm participating in an event called Paddle for Life, where cancer survivors, friends, and folks of all ages paddle from Maui to Lanai and back. It's an overnight trip filled with camaraderie, support, and hope.

This event isn't just about the paddle; it's about making a real difference. All proceeds go to the Pacific Cancer Foundation, helping Maui County cancer patients cover the costs of travel and lodging to see specialist doctors on other islands.

If you're able to, I would love for you to consider donating to this cause. Every little bit helps and goes a long way in providing essential support for those in need. 

If you want to join the paddle or simply donate, check out


Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and for any support you can offer!


Michael Gordon

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1 donation has been made to this participant.

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