Voyage to Lana`i
Maureen E Macart's Page
Maureen E Macart's Page
Member of Team Tom Doyon team
Member of Team Tom Doyon team
Goal: $250
Goal: $250
Raised by 2 donors
Raised by 2 donors

Aloha! My name is Mo, I'm a cancer survivor! I was diagnosed with lymphoma and had the standard chemo and radiation. Alittle while after it came back stage 4 and I went through a bone marrow transplant. I'm so happy to say that 3 years out is considered a cure! 

   I'm so much more than that though! He hawaii au! I am Hawiian! He makuahine au, I am a mother! He hoe wa'a, I am a paddler. He mana wahine au, I am a powerful woman! 

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2 donations have been made to this participant.
Amy Carson

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